Tag: Sustainable Tourism


Child Protection in Tourism – What can I do?

Tourism is a rapidly growing industry; global travel has increased sharply since the mid-1980s. Many different actors are involved in tourism, from travelers to travel agencies and tour operators to local people. Some of our target countries are in ecologically and socially fragile regions. Children from these regions in particular are exposed to an increased

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Star Tortoise Myanmar

The Fate of the Burmese Star Tortoise

The Burmese Star Tortoise is unique in central Myanmar, but its species is considered to be highly endangered. This rare species has almost been exterminated by illegal poaching. As a last resort, breeding in breeding stations such as the Wildlife Sanctuary Minzontaung applies.

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Big Brother Mouse

Big Brother Mouse – A Book for Everyone

A non-profit initiative has declared war on the lack of books in Laos. And with success. What started with an idea from a former US publisher has developed into a successful project that spreads education and enjoyment of reading across the country.

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