Sustainable tourism aims to be considerate of nature, the environment and the people who live in the destination countries. The three pillars of sustainability are decisive for tourism: economy, social issues and ecology. All aspects must be considered individually and in interaction. The employees of Green Tiger Travel aim for tourism to have a positive impact on people and nature on site.
Membership in the forum anders reisen e.V.

All employees of Green Tiger are proud of our membership in forum anders reisen e.V.
With our membership we express our ongoing efforts for sustainable tourism. The members of forum anders reisen stand for travel experiences that are oriented towards people and the environment. This also means that local resources are used carefully, and foreign cultures are treated with respect. We respect human rights and are committed to protecting children from sexual and economic exploitation in tourism. Together we take responsibility for economic and social development at home and in the destination countries.
Certification for Sustainable Tourism
Based on our self-image as a sustainable tour operator, Green Tiger GmbH has been Tour Cert Qualified since January 2021. The criteria set by TourCert serve us as a framework for further developing the multi-layered sustainability of our actions as a tourism company on site in the destinations as well as in the office in Freiburg.
CO2-Compensation with Atmosfair
The flight to your destination produces CO2 emissions. You can offset these through atmosfair. With a donation, you can support high-quality climate protection projects in various developing countries around the world. The compensation contribution is calculated by the CO2 emissions on a flight and the costs required to save this amount in a climate protection project.
Child Protection in Tourism
Since 2019 Green Tiger Travel has been a signatory of the Child Protection Code “The Code”. This means that we have consciously committed ourselves to implementing the criteria defined therein to protect children from economic and sexual exploitation. In doing so, we rely on the support of all our employees and our customers. We are continuously developing measures for appropriate child protection in our travel countries with child protection cooperation’s. Both employees of the travel industry and travelers themselves can play an active role in child protection in tourism.
Green Tiger’s Vision of Sustainable Tourism
In the ethical corporate mission statement of Green Tiger Travel, all employees have given themselves conscious guidelines for sustainable action.
Our destination countries are partly developing and emerging countries and our destinations are partly located in ecologically and socially fragile regions. Tourism can have positive and negative effects on local social life and nature. We are aware of our responsibility as a tour operator to act in such a way that the positive effects outweigh the negative ones and tourism is designed in such a way that our influence has a high a positive impact as possible.
For us, this means designing our tours in such a way that the local community benefit from it. As much value creation as possible should take place directly on site and thus improve the income opportunities of the local population. This is done, for example, by cooperating with small and medium sized local tour operators or by including community-based tourism projects in our recommended products. It is a central concern of ours to make the local population understand that intact nature can be a basis for income and employment and that it should therefore be protected.
We work with conservation and development organizations, especially when they can be supported early on by us or our clients. We avoid mass tourism, and we are aware that travel contributes to climate change. That is why we actively inform our clients about the realities and possibilities of how to make tourism sustainable.
We want to find a way to change things for the better through our daily work, in the big things of life as well as in the small ones. In this way, we contribute our share to international understanding and exchange between cultures. Our goal is to enable employees and clients to look beyond their own horizons and get to know other cultures. This enables us to learn from other cultures and countries. We want to broaden horizons from all sides, bring people together and promote dialogue and intercultural cooperation.
Tips for Sustainable Travelling
We have put together some tips on how to make your trip to Southeast Asia as sustainable as possible.
Sustainability travel starts with travel planning
With Green Tiger, travel planning is done sustainably for you. When booking, we always avoid activities that are harmful to the environment and prefer alternative means of transport, such as hiking or cycling Furthermore, we book for you not only large hotel chains, but also homestays and community-based tourism projects. So, you have already done something for the environment when you choose to travel with Green Tiger.
Local Souvenirs
Don’t buy souvenirs made from endangered animal and plant species or protected cultural assets. Instead, support the local economy and buy local handicrafts. But beware, they are not always locally produced. Make sure you buy original and not cheap imported goods. On this way, both sides benefit.
Avoid plastic bags and plastic packaging
In Southeast Asia, it is still common to get each purchase packed separately in plastic bags. A quick note to vendors and traders will save a lot of plastic and you will also serve as a good role model for the locals and other travelers. We also recommended using a reusable water bottle.
Use resources like water and electricity responsible
Sure, air conditioning and frequent showers are tempting in high temperatures and enormous humidity, but sustainable tourism also means saving electricity and water. When leaving the hotel, always make sure to turn off the air conditioning!
Protect local wildlife and nature
Tourist attractions where animals suffer and are subjected to cruel mistreatment should not be supported under any circumstances. In addition, use designated hiking trails to protect the surrounding nature and preserve the flora.
Be open to the foreign culture and your traditions it will enrich your trip
It is best to familywise yourself with the culture, history, and nature of your destination before you leave. Respect the customs and traditions, even if they may seem strange to you. If you are unsure, ask a local guide for help.
Balance your carbon footprint
A flight always has a negative impact on the environment. With Atmos fair you can easily offset your flight completely or partly. By the way, the compensation is tax-deductible, and you will receive a donation receipt. You can also do this very easily on our website.
Try to do it digitally if possible
We all know it- a hodgepodge of maps, copies of documents and tickets that accumulate before and during a trip mostly end up in the trash during the journey but at least after the return at home. Instead, use offline maps of your destination on your smartphone and store documents and photos online to travel as sustainable as possible.
Buy and use regional products
Strengthen the local economy by avoiding international chains and shopping and eating in regional shops instead. Small and at first sight inconspicuous shops often offer the most delicious dishes and the most unusual souvenirs- it’s worth keeping your eyes open!
Leave a tip if you are satisfied
People who cook and serve you food, guide you through cities or drive you from A to B contribute significantly to a successful holiday. A small tip by European standards can make a big difference in Southeast Asian countries.
“Boil it, cook it, peel it, or forget it!”
Local delicacies are a perfect way to get to know the local culture better. To ensure that this experience is not a negative one, the following principle should be observed: Only try food that is either cooked or peeled. Also, make sure you have clean drinking water and only buy sealed water bottles.
Sometimes you should also say no.
In some situations, the locals may push you to do something that doesn`t feel right to you. In such moments, you should politely but firmly say no, because the commercial exploitation of, for example, children or animals is not to be supported at any time.
Stay curious
Dare to be curious. During your holiday, look beyond your own nose and get to know your destination from its most authentic side. Socialize with the locals and recognize that your destination may not always offer the same luxuries as your home country. But that doesn`t make it any less charming and unique.