Best Travel Time for Vietnam

The question of all questions. When should we go to Vietnam? Now is the best time to travel to Vietnam? Due to the different climate zones in the country, there is no exact answer. However, in order to make your decision a little easier, we have gathered some relevant information.

Vietnam - Hoi An - überflutet

Since Vietnam is a very narrow and elongated country with its approximately 1,650 kilometers of north-south expansion, there are different climate zones. Depending on which part of Vietnam you are planning a trip to, you should adjust your travel time. When planning your trip, you should take into account the climate and the fact that the Vietnamese New Year festival “Tet” is celebrated between mid-January and the end of February. The date is based on the lunar calendar. You can find the exact dates e.g. here: Vietnam Holidays. Tet is the most important holiday in Vietnam and something like Christmas, New Year and birthday combined. In the one or two weeks around Tet, Vietnam is busy preparing and celebrating and there is little time to take care of tourists. Since visiting each other at this family festival is also of central importance, the streets and means of transport are all jam-packed. Beach accommodations in the south are usually booked up well in advance and flights to Vietnam are expensive, as the whole family travels to Vietnam from abroad. But now to the three different climate zones in the country:

Vietnam - Sapa - Reisernte

North Vietnam

In the north around Hanoi and Halong Bay, there is a subtropical climate with four seasons. In the Vietnamese winter between December and February, it can be extremely cool in North Vietnam – there is usually a cold period around Tet, in which the temperatures can sometimes drop below 10 ° C – which feels fairly fresh due to the very high humidity and lack of heating . At this time there is often fog and rain. The northern highlands, the so-called Tonkin Alps, to which the region around Sapa belongs, is quite high. It can get very cold there in winter, and snow falls there every few years.
Vietnam - Vinh Ha Long
The Spring is mild and a good time to travel with relatively few tourists. In summer it can get quite warm, especially in July and August, with up to 35 degrees. Daily rain showers are expected from June to October. These are usually short and violent. Autumn from September to the end of November / beginning of December is considered the best time for foreigners in North Vietnam: the temperatures are mild in summer, between 20 and 30°C during the day and there is a slight cooling at night.

Central Vietnam

Central Vietnam includes the coastal town of Da Nang, the popular holiday resort of Hoi An, both of which are connected by China Beach, and the old imperial city of Hue. The months of February to May are ideal for a trip here. It has pleasant temperatures between 24 and 28 degrees during the day.
Vietnam - Hoi An
In June it gets a bit warmer with over 30 degrees and from October to December it is the rainy season. Especially in November is the typhoon high season, which should be avoided because there are often floods and landslides. Vietnam’s climate and weather divide is the cloud pass between Da Nang and Hue, where the Truong-Son mountains extend into the ocean. There are 4 seasons north of it, and dry and rainy seasons to the south.

South Vietnam

The south of Vietnam with the metropolis Ho Chi Minh City is characterized by a tropical climate. This means that it is quite warm all year round, usually between 30 and 35 ° C. The rainy season lasts from May to October. In the rainy season, there are typically heavy cloudbursts in the afternoon that last one to two hours. Before and after that there is mostly blue sky again. Rainfalls that last a whole day or longer are generally the absolute exception in Vietnam. The climate in the Mekong Delta, the bathing island Phu Quoc and the beach at Phan Thiet is comparable to that in Ho Chi Minh City.
Vietnam - Phu Quoc

Our Recommendation on the best Travel Time for Vietnam

North Vietnam:

September to December – mostly dry and mild, but high season; March to May / June; although some rainy days but disabled roles climate and closed tourists. For the other Berber country z. B. Sapa gilt that it can be very cold and foggy from January to March.

Central Vietnam:

The best time to visit Central Vietnam is from December to September.

South Vietnam:

All year round, preferably the dry season from November to April; but the rainy season from May to October is also a good time for a trip, especially since fewer tourists are on site during this time.

Due to the different climate zones in North, Central and South Vietnam, Vietnam is generally good to travel in every season. In the off-season, there are excellent, affordable options. Please feel free to contact the Vietnamese experts from Green Tiger Travel Team at any time for your individual Vietnam travel offer. We wish you a good journey.